From the map BPM 'in 1940 showed that in the concession Tinawun (Dandangilo - Wonocolo) was first drilled in 1894, the number of wells when it is 227 pieces with depth (50-784) meters, even reaching 1000 meters. in 1905 the field is dominated by Dordsche Petroleum Maatschaappij (DPM). Estimated at the time here and there are oil permeation that can be utilized by people to lighting, after they though the Ways very simple.
In 1920, Golf production Kawengan (Dandangilo, -Wonocolo) reached the highest production rate of 79 886 M3 / year. On March 7, 1925 court date is transferred into the working area Bataafse Petroleum Maatschappij (BPM). As the subsidy (collection) to the local village, BPM provides F240 (240 -gulden) per year to the village Wonocolo and Hargomulyo to note that the local people are not allowed to exploit oil permeation in the area.
Six years later in February 1929, the results of the oil field had fallen sharply, so that wells unproductive temporarily closed, although production is still running regularly until 1958. In fact since 1930 BPM will already left the site. In 1942 most of the wells closed and handed over to the administrative supervision of exploitation Kawengan Field.
Since then ilu Wonocolo society and Hargomulyo start allowed by BPM for consideration of the situation at that time was erratic and the Netherlands are facing the invasion of the Japanese army. In the years 1942-1945 the Japanese Occupation Government controlled area Kawengan Fields Administration, but the Japanese also did not take advantage of the wells that are not productive, so that the local community Wonocolo and Hargomulyo lack of supervision, althought Japanese soldiers patrolling the area to find the people who are taking the oil.
Since 1942 wells BPM former Dutch heritage by residents Wonocolo and Hargomulyo Kasiman subdistrict, East Java Bojonegoro consider it as if it is a field that is not proprietary.
Woncolo conditions and Hargomulyo located about 22 km northeast of the city Cepu, located above the altitude of 170 m above sea level, this area is known barren. Almost the entire expanse of the plant consists of teak forests and limestone hills. Before using residual oils that exist, their livelihoods and Hargomulyo Wonocolo is farming and harvesting of forest products and firewood to meet their needs. Finally people individually or in groups using residual oil wells closed, then forced open by way of prying open the lid of cement and iron which are taken so that the well can be produced by draw.
After the bucket up to the upper lip, then fill the bucket consists of putrid water and poured into the holes then utilized land to be separated between water and oil. As for how carry up done by installing four beams stand rod and resting on the ends. At the end of the beam pedestal winches and hanging rods mounted iron dipper elongated pipe with wire rope and then lowered and pulled upward by (8-12) of each group. If the depth of oil and water wells within 200 m then the job of extracting the oil once the bucket will cover a distance of 2 x 200 m = 400 m
For working groups within a certain period of time it must draw (15-20) times so that the distance is 6 to 8 km. If once a bucket can be produced 5-10 liters of oil, then in a certain period of time oil can be produced around 150-200 liters. Then the oil is processed simply near the location of the well using a drum of 200 liters or larger. Furthermore, it is heated and the oil vapor that occurs is cooled. The result of distillation (distillate) is a mixture of kerosene and diesel fuel, and is sold to villages as low-quality kerosene.
After the BPM back to Cepu with the name SHELL seeking to improve refinery in Cepu and Field Kawengan, while allowing Wonocolo Courses are considered uneconomical. In 1950 BPM / SHELL that do not utilize the oil wells in Wonocolo by Regent Bojonegoro which was held by Musigit, gave verbal permission to the public Wonocolo and Hargomulyo through the village head to be used oil wells in the area and Hargomulyo Wonocolo it.
The verbal permission Wonocolo utilized by the village chief and Hargomulyo as the right to expand open wells have been closed. Increasingly mining Wonocolo oil is increasing because since 1950 the oil circulation to meet the lime industry and the needs of households is increasing but the supply is limited, although the production and marketing of oil Wonocolo still on a small scale, but demand continues to rise.
In 1962 after the Government purchased SHELL / PERMIGAN, then the field Wonocolo when it became the area's mining operations and oil and gas production and the status of the switch into the Work Area Mining PERMIGAN PN. During the PN. PERMIGAN operates no attention to address the issue of oil extraction in Wonocolo people. After the PN. PERMIGAN disbanded in 1966, Cepu Oil Field operationally become the region's mining operations Pusdik GAS / LEMIGAS Cepu.
Since 1970 the factory lime and tiles in the Solo, Sragen and Wonogiri previously use firewood as fuel, because of the difficulty of getting the wood 'fuel, then switch to using crude oil as fuel by way komporisasi/Heating. By 1974 demand for crude oil as fuel for small and medium industry continues to increase.
In 1977 the Minister of Mines sent a letter to the Minister of Home Affairs in his letter No.1084 / M.200 / 1977 dated March 25, 1977 stated that mining by traditional people can cause problems such as labor safety is not guaranteed and Dangerous for the environment Perhutani/Forestry.
Mining Minister asked the Minister of Interior to stop the mining and
workers to be transferred to other areas. On January 8, 1981 based on the report of the meeting of the village, Bojonegoro Regent issued a Decree on the use of money from the mining people's wells in the Field Wonocolo.
To both the village chief who has been coordinating the response as a boost to the efforts of local mining. In 1985 recorded 150 wells have been closed in the Field Wonoclo 35 wells have been able demolished to achieve production of 75,000 liters per day with a selling price of Rp. 750.000, - per car tanks (5000 liters contents).
In 1986 the number of wells that produced rose to 40 wells from both villages Wonocolo and Hargomulyo. It armpits can be allowed to continue, Thus was born the Letter of the Minister of Interior No. 10/755 411/102 / B. V1 / 15 to the governor Level 1 Regional Head East Java, based on the inspection team that the Inspector General dated December 10 until December 14, 1985 encountered: That the activities of the population in villages Wonocolo and Hargomulyo in mining raw asphalt by way of draw, in open state can cause a fire in addition to disrupt the growth of young teak wood around the mine site. The two areas is a working area of ​​Perum Perhutani to plant teak, in addition to the working area of ​​Oil and Gas PPT as the Education and training Employees Petroleum.
The local mining, oil sales can be detrimental to Pertamina and consumers. Safety not guaranteed to workers both in terms of the Act and in terms of regulation Accident Hygine Company.
However, also felt the positive effect derived from folk activities include: mining business in the village Wonocolo and Hargomulyo can accommodate a number of labor and provide a source of livelihood in the area that is barren because of the terrain consists largely new ground limestone.
Results of operations of oil sales has given an additional donation of construction of the home office sub-district, district military commander, Chief of Police sector, rural development and so on. Can reduce the occurrence of theft teak Perhutani / Forestry Service. Concrete steps cessation of mining activities of the people in both villages oil it needs to immediately be implemented. In order to prevent the possibility of the opening of new wells that have been closed.
As a follow-up of oil extraction in the village back Wonocolo and Hafgomulyo by the Provincial Governor of East Java in the letter NO. ; 545/2261/1987 dated Z7 October 1987 to the Minister of Home Affairs in Jakarta, Minister of Mines and Energy in Jakarta, take action as follows: a. While waiting for the closure of the wells at the end of 1987, on Friday, October 2, 1987 had signed an employment contract on the supply of oil mining by people in both villages.
Contract work performed by KUD Bogosasono Kasiman subdistrict, Bojonegoro sabagai oil container artisanal mining results with PPT Migas Cepu representing the Director General of Oil and Gas. c. As a follow up to the signing of a contract of employment at the top, then since Saturday 5th Nopernber 1987 has begun shipping oil pertambarrgan people in both villages to Cepu Oil and Gas Refinery PPT.
According to the results the meeting in January 11, 1988 in the office of the Governor of Level 1 of East Java and the approval of the extension by the Minister of Mines and Energy, the closure was postponed until 1 April 1988 after the completion of the General Session On 1 April 1988 occurred handover Kawengan Filed and their proximity to Pertamina.
Since that time oil production Wonocolo Fields UEP III handed over to Pertamina Cepu gas field in exchange for Rp. 89.30 per liter.
Exploration and production of petroleum in primitive conducted Wonocolo village community and the District Hargomuljo Kasiman.
Bojonegoro in East Java held since 1942. This effort succeeded in providing employment for the population, although ultimately this effort violated regulations. This success is manifested by a statue of the Village Head Wonocolo waved sitting
side by side with the deputy head of the village was built at the entrance of the village of East Java Wonocolo. On the left lettering village chief in 1960, deputy head of the village 1957. In Warning village chief began taking office and the start coordinate Oil illegal mining until now.
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