BAWEAN ISLAND : Along the beautiful curve of the island princess

Name Bawean Islands in Gresik in East Java is not as famous as Bali or Lombok. But actually the natural charm of the Island Princess is not less beautiful with the two tourist destinations. Because of that travel was very decent Bawean developed and later East Java was not only has Mount Bromo but also Bawean as a prime tourist destination. Bawean not only has a nature reserve and wildlife endemic, but also rich in marine biota and variety of local wisdom. But just because of lack of promotion, infrastructure and transportation, the island is not ogled travelers. Therefore, the potential will be promoted through the expedition Bawean. This expedition will involve about 100 of divers who will unfurl the flag and batik cloth beneath the ocean surface. Chairman of the Association Management Specialist Indonesian coast of East Java, Daniel M. Rosyid said the government needs to ensure certainty of regular transport access to Bawean Island in order to facilitate the tourists come. So far, the only means of transport ships. Related to that Governor Soekarwo, say, East Java provincial government is building the airport with a runway of 1,400 meters in Bawean. This service is targeted to be operational by the end of this year. Another thing that must be considered, according to Daniel, environmental sustainability. The government must enforce the zoning system so that there is clarity of water points that can be exploited economically and prohibited exploited for the sake of conservation. Indarwati Aminuddin from WWF Indonesia, added that the development of ecotourism in Bawean should involve local residents.
Citizens need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills of tourism development because if not Bawean not contribute anything to the local community. Especially when it has started being interested traveled to Bawean. Enjoy the charm of the island in the Java Sea was really reassuring. Citizens were friendly, abundant natural resources, the natural charm of unimaginable beauty. Bawean island is a beautiful island located in the northern island of Java. Located in the middle of the Java Sea. The island entered the territory Gresik in East Java with a distance of about 120 km from the city center Gresik. Most people Bawean embraced Islam. The majority of fishermen. The island is also dubbed as the Island Princess for a large majority of his manner, to migrate to the outer islands so that live on this island more women. Many residents Bawean who wander in Singapore, Singapore country there Bawean village, where almost all the original inhabitants Bawean Island. To get to the island of Bawean we could wade through the Port of Gresik. From Surabaya, takes about an hour to get to this port. While time crossing to the island of Bawean about 3 to 8 hours. Depending on the type of boat used. Actually, on the island of Bawean there has been a pioneer airports but until now it has not been operated. Another interesting fact about Bawean is an endemic species Bawean deer are rare deer species. To protect these animals from extinction, was made a Bawean deer breeding and can also be visited by tourists. apart that there are at least 10 locations must-see tourist travelers in the island. All beautifully enchanting. 1. In addition to the main island of Gili Islands (Bawean), there are several other islands that have smaller size is around Bawean. One of which is Gili Island. The island is an island and is the most uninhabited island Great around Bawean Island. There is a kitar 700 heads of families who live on this island. The island has a sandy beach white with sunset views and sunrise charming. The results of the sea fishing is also an attraction which can be found on this island. beside enjoy beautiful views in the beach, we can also at the same time enjoying died serving delicious fresh grilled fish. 2. Noko Island Noko Island is an island that is located opposite the island Gili. The island has an area of ​​about 1 km2 with all the land is white sand. So, on this island we can play with sand and beach waves are not too big.
On this island we can also enjoy the underwater beauty. In the waters around the island of Noko we will find a variety of ornamental fish and sponges. To be able to enjoy the underwater beauty of this island we have to bring your own snorkel equipment because there is no facility Bawean snorkeling equipment rental. 3. Noko Selayar Island The atmosphere in the Noko Selayar Island is not much different from Noko Island. All land on the island of white sand. On this island we will find a lagoon that is pretty attractive. The view of green hills in the distance create a panorama similar to some of the beaches on the island of Lombok. Noko Selayar also has a very beautiful underwater scenery. To get to this island we can crossing by boat crossing with approximately 20 minutes travel time from Bawean. 4. Cape Gaang One of the other beauties that we can enjoy in Bawean is Tanjung Gaang. This place is a series of rocks that are in the midst of the sea is very blue and clear. One way to enjoy the beauty in Tanjung Gaang is to get around down rocks using fishing boats that you could rent. 5. Ria Beach. Ria Beach is slightly different from other beaches on the coast ~ Bawean. On the shore we will find the black rocks. The beach was once a place of fishermen dock after fishing. The beach was also briefly used as the processing of fish and seaweed. From the edge of Ria Beach we can see the fishing boats that were at sea. The scenery that will make us feel peaceful 6. Beach Mayangkara The atmosphere at the beach is very cheerful. There is a field that can be used for bennain ball. Mayangkara beach is a quite beach
The beach was first discovered by Siti Zaenab review of the wife of Siman Giri, in this beach Siti Zaenab also the first time anchored find Bawean. Communities around Bawean also often refer to this beach with Bayangkara. Playing on the beach will be a pleasant experience. 7. Grave Long Beach Turkish graveyard Long is another beach that rnemiliki historical story in Bawean. On the beach we'll find a grave elongated shape. The grave is believed to be the tomb of the guards Aji Saka in Bawean. Based on the historical story graves on the beach is then sacred by residents in Bawean. Long Grave beach itself has the ambiance and scenery are no less beautiful. The beach is divided into two bagianpantai where the two are separated by the mainland coast. 8. Lake Kastoba Mempakan Kastoba lake a lake in the middle of Bawean Island. The lake is memiiki natural atmosphere that is so beautiful and alluring. To get to the location of the lake, we have to pass the path as far as about 500 meters. There is a myth that developed in this lake. Women who are menstruating are not allowed to visit this lake if you do not want exposed to bad luck. 9. Niagara Laccar For those who like a waterfall tour, on the island of Bawean also there is a waterfall that is worth visiting. His name is Niagara Laccar. The waterfall is about 20 meters high meniiliki this nierniliki natural atmosphere cool and refreshing. To get to the waterfall we had to walk as far as 1 km along the path well as rocky river crossing. Although they need to fight, natural atmosphere in this waterfall will make us feel comfortable. 10. Captive Deer Bawean The roads to Bawean be incomplete if it did not look closely Bawean deer. As mentioned earlier, Bawean deer is a deer species endemic to the island of Bawean. This animal is an endangered deer species are endangered. To get a close look at deer Bawean we can go captive deer Bawean Bawean Island. Bawean deer breeding area of ​​about 4 hectares. Although located in penangkarau, deer there is a wild deer. Visitors are not allowed to deliver food to those deer without permission from administrators

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